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Big Pharma, Bad Pharma – There is no magic pill

2 min read

prescription drugs

Taking pharmaceuticals for blood pressure and cholesterol, particularly if you’re not in the high risk category, is probably a bad idea.

The more likely solution involves lifestyle modifications like better diet, weight loss, no smoking and improved fitness.  No drama here, just good, clean living, on a consistent basis.  Food is often, both the cause and treatment for cardiovascular disease.  There’s no magic pill, just big profits for Big Pharma the more prescriptions are filled.

Unfortunately, a lot of the studies done, showing drug benefits, are funded by, you guessed it, Big Pharma.  There’s huge bottom line incentives, to support the ever-burgeoning drug industry, while the American public gets sicker and sicker.  Conventional medicine just pushes more and more prescription drugs at the problem, without considering the power of superior nutrition. Time stressed, burned out physicians may not have the time to consider alternatives.

 First of all, the side effects are scary.

Blood pressure meds can cause:

  • Increased risk of cancer, especially breast cancer in women
  • Weight gain and insulin resistance
  • Dizzy, light headed feeling
  • Exhaustion

Cholesterol meds can cause:

  • Breast cancer
  • Memory loss
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney damage
  • Muscle damage
  • Decreased physical fitness (from muscle damage and weakness)
  • Weight gain
  • Heart failure

 Second, Big Pharma benefits, by changing the guidelines, for who should take their drugs.  If your blood pressure and/or cholesterol aren’t seriously elevated, your advantage from taking the drugs may be marginal ,or none at all, but that doesn’t mean you escape the side effects. 

Third, it seems like, this is yet another case, where the cure may be worse than the cause.  Even without diet modifications, exercise can give you results that are just as good as taking prescription meds, but it seems like the cardiologists are bend on pushing these meds, to the potential detriment of the American public.

 More and more people are taking these dangerous meds too, because the guidelines, for who needs them, have been adjusted, again to help Big Pharma, at your expense.

Consider the alternative.  You may be a candidate for improving your life style and getting off these potentially hazardous meds, or at least decreasing the dosage.  Of course, always talk to your doctor, first.  The two of you may partner up and decide together that the answer is good food not good pharmaceuticals.  At least ask the question. Try it and see!