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Frazzled nerves, frazzled telomeres

3 min read

DNA strand

It starts out as a single thought and if you’re the “worrying type”, next thing you know you’ve died a thousand deaths, over something that never even happened, yet. If you’re not careful, this becomes a daily habit, deepening the groves in your brain, so you become so talented at imagining devastating scenarios, that you may start to wonder why you even get out of bed in the morning.  Extreme?  Maybe, but nothing has ever been accomplished by worrying about it and it’s BAD for your telomeres! 

Normal, healthy, non-worriers focus on the present and don’t catastrophize to the nth degree. 

Just because you’re boss wants to talk to you, doesn’t mean he’s going to fire you!  It may be to congratulate you on a job well done, or to seek your valued opinion on a project.  Worriers can get themselves anxious very quickly, perceiving a threat where there is none.

If you remain in the present moment, you don’t focus on future bad issues that could develop downstream, that haven’t happened yet.  You monitor your thoughts and can quash them, before you’re worked up into a frazzle. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help you break the negative cycle, teaching you to focus on your life and goals while enjoying the present moment, the only time you ever really have.

Believe it or not, non-worriers brains actually function differently when stressed. 

If you are a non-worrier, your brain is less activated, when shown a negative image. Ironically though, if you were one of “those worrying types” you’d exaggerate the bad stuff even more, when told to “lighten up”, and, God help you, if you have to make a decision! Flexibility and distancing yourself would not be your strong suit. Chances are, you don’t live in a vacuum and are well aware of how non-productive your negative thoughts can become.

So, unlink the worry chain by following a few constructive steps:

  • Gain perspective. Don’t allow your thoughts to spin out of control to the point where the outcome, you’re worried about, is many steps removed from the immediate issue at hand.
  • Become comfortable with the thought process of identifying the problem. Period, not the eventual further problems that are not happening, right now.
  • Transform your thinking from problem generating to problem solving and don’t kid yourself. You’re not being constructive, by continuously anticipating future issues.
  • Set a time limit for your worries. Don’t get trapped by thinking you’ve got to come to a resolution right away. Some people even designate a specific area that they go to, to worry for say 15 minutes.  When the time is up, give yourself permission to focus on other things.
  • Train yourself to see favorable outcomes when events appear negative, at first. For example, say your child comes home with a failing grade.  One failing grade is not going to ruin any one's life. In fact, it may be good information, to steer your youngster on a better path.  Maybe he can’t spell too well, but is a budding internet genius.  You get the drift.

Tolerance for uncertainty will serve you well when dealing with life’s challenges. 

In fact, if you look at negative emotions as merely signs that something needs attention, whether it be finances, career or relationships, things can work themselves out, as you’re making informed decisions.  Easier said than done, maybe, but practice anyway.

The less frazzled your nerves, the healthier your telomeres, so be mindful and get on the best telomere support supplements you can find, Dr. Dave’s Best Telomere Edge Packs. Longer telomeres lead to longer lives. One less thing to worry about!